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WILLOW. The leaves produce a yellow colour. SCABIOSA succisa. DEVIL'S BIT SCABIUS. The dried leaves produce a yellow colour. SERRATULA tinctoria. SAW-WORT. The whole herb produces a yellow tincture. SENECIO Jacobaea. RAGWORT. The roots, stalks, and leaves, before the flowering season, give out a green colour which can be fixed on wool. STACHYS sylvatica.

SENECIO Jacobaea. RAGWORT. The Leaves. Their taste is roughish, bitter, pungent, and extremely unpleasant: they stand strongly recommended by Simon Pauli against dysenteries; but their forbidding taste has prevented its coming into practice. SOLANUM nigrum. COMMON NIGHTSHADE. The Leaves and Berries. In the year 1757, Mr.

White clover, shepherd's purse, dock, plantain, and chickweed, are imported here by yaks; but the common Prunella of Europe is wild, and so is a groundsel like Senecio Jacobaea, Ranunculus, Sibbaldia, and 200 other plants. The grasses are numerous; they belong chiefly to Poa, Festuca, Stipa, and other European genera. I made frequent excursions to the great glacier of Kinchinjhow.

Experimentally I raised in succeeding years between 1000 and 2000 seedlings, but observed no trace of reversion, either in the strongest or in the numerous very small and weak individuals which appeared in the cultures. The tansy-ragwort or Senecio Jacobaea may be chosen as a second instance.