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"I suppose that's what we brought our guns along for." "Yes; but somebody's likely to get killed." "Well, you nor me don't have to pay their life insurance, as I know on." "But it may be you or me," "The devil'd be might anxious for green wood before he'd call you in." "Come, now, don't talk that way. This is a mighty serious time."

Hit sure looked like a heap of money ter be a-trustin' them there ornery post-office fellers with, even if hit was funny, new-fangled money like that there was. Why, ma'm, you take old Tod Stimson, down at the Ferry, now, an' that old devil'd steal anythin' what warn't too much trouble for him ter lift." "Argentine notes the money was, Judy.

As it happened, I never did. I stayed on, going from place to place where they went where Turold took us." "Whom did my uncle marry?" asked Charles. "You might a' guessed that. 'Twas the girl t'other had cut him out of. I thought the masterful devil'd get her when Remington was out of the way, but I asked him once straight out, and he said yes, it was the same girl.

''Twas I had to bear the news to his mother, the captain pursued; 'and it was a task, my lads, for I was then little more than your age, and the glass was Robert's only fault, and he was my only brother. I offered my hand to the captain. He grasped it powerfully. 'That crew in a boat, and wouldn't you know the devil'd be coxswain? he called loudly, and buried his face.

''Twas I had to bear the news to his mother, the captain pursued; 'and it was a task, my lads, for I was then little more than your age, and the glass was Robert's only fault, and he was my only brother. I offered my hand to the captain. He grasped it powerfully. 'That crew in a boat, and wouldn't you know the devil'd be coxswain? he called loudly, and buried his face.