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The leaves are roundly-elliptic and slightly silky beneath. The small flowers are succeeded by a profusion of scarlet berries that ripen in autumn. This is generally considered the best for garden purposes. CRATAEGUS AZAROLUS. South Europe, 1640. This is a very vigorous-growing species, with a wide, spreading head of rather upright-growing branches.

There are miles of wild roses, pink bells of huckleberry and sweet manzanita, every bell a honey-cup, plants that tell of the north and of the south; tall nodding lilies, the crimson sarcodes, rhododendron, cassiope, and blessed linnaea; phlox, calycanthus, plum, cherry, crataegus, spiraea, mints, and clovers in endless variety; ivesia, larkspur, and columbine; golden aplopappus, linosyris , bahia, wyethia, arnica, brodiaea, etc., making sheets and beds of light edgings of bloom in lavish abundance for the myriads of the air dependent on their bounty.

It is also used to dye woollens of a red colour. CUSCUTA europaea. DODDER. The herb gives out a lightish red. CRATAEGUS Oxycantha. HAWTHORN. The bark of this plant, with copperas, is used by the Highlanders to dye black. DATISCA cannabina. BASTARD-HEMP. This produces a yellow; but is not easily fixed, therefore it presently fades to a light tinge. DELPHINIUM Consolida.

In a distant glade I have made a spring garden round an oak tree that stands alone in the sun groups of crocuses, daffodils, narcissus, hyacinths, and tulips, among such flowering shrubs and trees as Pirus Malus spectabilis, floribunda, and coronaria; Prunus Juliana, Mahaleb, serotina, triloba, and Pissardi; Cydonias and Weigelias in every colour, and several kinds of Crataegus and other May lovelinesses.

Cockayne would derive cowslip from cu, cow, and slyppe, lip, and cow-wheat is so nicknamed from its seed resembling wheat, but being worthless as food for man. The flowers of the Arum maculatum are "bulls and cows;" and in Yorkshire the fruit of Crataegus oxyacantha is bull-horns; an old name for the horse-leek being bullock's-eye.

Now, Captain Anerley, I entreat you to consider whether it is wise to take the thorn so from the rose. If I had so sweet a place, I would plant brambles, briers, blackthorn, furze, crataegus, every kind of spinous growth, inside my gates, and never let anybody lop them. Captain, you are too hospitable."

WHITE BEAM-TREE. Is a beautiful tree producing very hard wood, and is much in esteem for cogs of millwork and various other purposes. CRATAEGUS Oxyacantha. THE QUICKSET, or WHITE-THORN. This is in great request for making fences, and is the best plant we know for such purposes if properly managed.

The farmers in Kent are the best managers of Filberts, and it is the only place where they are grown with any certainty; which appears to be owing principally to the trees being regularly pruned of the superfluous wood. It is performed in the month of March when the plants are in bloom, and is the only time when the fruit-bearing wood can be distinguished. CRATAEGUS Aria.

Even the botanists have given them a great variety of names, as pyrus, mespilus, aronia, crataegus, and amelanchier. No matter which may be the best name, it is enough to know that these little berries are delicious to eat when fresh, and when dried, after the manner of currants, are excellent to mix in puddings, as well as in pemmican.