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Updated: August 9, 2024

I collected sixty shells from the New Jersey deposits in 1841, five of which were identical with European species Ostrea larva, O. vesicularis, Gryphaea costata, Pecten quinque-costatus, Belemnitella mucronata. As some of these have the greatest vertical range in Europe, they might be expected more than any others to recur in distant parts of the globe.

Some of the fragments of Ammonites were as thick as a man's arm: the Gryphaea is much the most abundant shell. These fossils M. d'Orbigny considers as belonging to the Neocomian stage of the Cretaceous system. Dr. Trigonia costata, identical with those found in the upper Jurassic beds at Hildesheim. 3. Pecten striatus, identical with those found in the upper Jurassic beds at Hildesheim. 4.

Rissoa Chastelii, Nyst, sp. Paludina lenta. Next below are fresh-water and estuary marls and carbonaceous clays in the brackish-water portion of which are found abundantly Cerithium plicatum, Lam. The lower fresh-water and estuary marls contain Melania costata, Sowerby, Melanopsis, etc. This bed contains a mixture of Hempstead shells with those of the underlying Upper Eocene or Bembridge series.

Arca, perhaps A. Gabrielis, d'Orbigny, "Pal. Franc." Mr. Pentland made a collection of shells from this same spot, and Von Buch considers them as consisting of: Trigonia, resembling in form T. costata. Pholadomya, like one found by M. Dufresnoy near Alencon. Isocardi excentrica, Voltz., identical with that from the Jura.

In illustration of shells having a great vertical range, it may be stated that in England some few species pass up from the Lower to the Upper Oolite, as, for example, Rhynchonella obsoleta, Lithodomus inclusus, Pholadomya ovalis, and Trigonia costata. Ammonites macrocephalus, Schloth. One-third natural size.

For planting against a mound of rock this scrambling shrub is of value, but the position should not be exposed to cold winds, for the plant is somewhat tender. From South America, and allied to the better known Colletias. DIOSPYROS KAKI COSTATA. The Date Plum. China, 1789.

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