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Here's an honourable man! He's grown a nighthawk, a garden-breaker, a tree-climber! Thinkest thou by importunity to overcome this lady's chastity, that thou climbest up to her windows anights by the trees? There is nought in the world so displeasing to her as thou; yet must thou e'en go essaying it again and again.

O great Ra, who climbest the heavenly vaults and who sailest in thy boat across the firmament with undisputed authority, do thou save me from that austere god whose eyebrows are as menacing as the balance that weighs the deeds of men. Save me, I pray thee, from these guardians of the passages who will, if they-may, impede my progress.

Since I must needs say it, I saw you a-top of your lady, and after, as I came down, I saw you arise and seat yourself where you presently are. 'Assuredly, said Nicostratus, 'thou dotest; for we have not stirred a jot, save as thou seest, since thou climbest up into the pear-tree. Whereupon quoth Pyrrhus, 'What booteth it to make words of the matter?

The green mountain-sides we keep to our right; on it are scattered houses, with large stones upon their steep wooden roofs, and with little gardens tilled with plum-trees. Steep cliff-walls shut in the valley; there stands up a crag; if thou climbest it thou canst look straight into France: one sees a plain, flat like the Danish plains.

'Of a comfortable birth and girth thou art. Yet with thee around my neck I might not easily climb. 'Magister, she said, 'whilst thou climbest in London town thy wife will bide in Paris. 'Consider! he said. 'There is in London town a fair, large maid called Margot Poins. 'Is she more fair than I? she asked. 'I will swear she is. He tilted his stool forward.