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During the last century, a peasant, who was at work in a deep ditch in a beautiful field of this district, came, in the course of his excavations, upon a stone which indicated, that he was not far from one of those monuments with which he was so familiar; and, upon further investigation, it proved to be the black granite tomb of the famous Chindonax, the high-priest of the Druids.

It contained many relics the sickle and the collar of gold, the holy bracelets, the metal girdle, the sacrificial axe, the knife of brass; and, in the midst, was a glass urn, containing a pinch or two of grey powder human dust! proud dust sad and last remnant of the Druid Chindonax.

Quatre grands mois: Plutôt douze, mon maître. Cette tisane! A moi? hurla le prêtre, Vade retro! Guérir par le poison! Non, par ma soif! perdons une fénètre, Puisqu'il le faut, mais Sauvons la Maison." Geology Fossil shells Antediluvian salmon The Druids Chindonax, the High Priest Roman antiquities Julius Cæsar's hunting-box Lugubrious village Carré-les-Tombes The Inquisitive Andalusian.