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And very glad I was that I had done so, for I was thus enabled to observe a very curious natural phenomenon, which one might knock about in those seas for years without seeing, for the simple reason that the circumstances must be favourable or the phenomenon is not visible. The Caycos Bank is a shoal lying some sixty-eight miles off Monte Christi, on the north coast of Hayti.

At eight bells of the second dog-watch we handsomely weathered Morant Point on our way out through the Windward Channel, it being my purpose to work out through the Caycos Passage, and then cruise to and fro athwart and to windward of the Windward Passages that being the cruising-ground which I believed the pirates would be most likely to haunt.

Upon the receipt of this intelligence, orders were at once given for both ships to fill and make the best of their way to the northward in company, and by nightfall they were clear of the Caycos Passage and standing to the northward on a taut bowline under a heavy press of canvas. The Virginie and Aurora made an excellent passage across the Atlantic.

In describing the voyage of Juan Ponce de Leon, made to Florida in 1512, he makes the following remarks: "Leaving Agnada in Porto Rico, they steered to the N. W. by N., and in five days arrived at an island called El Viejo, in latitude 22 deg. 30' north. The next day they arrived at a small island of the Lucayos, called Caycos.