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"Now, show me your blessed old tiger cat!" cried Steve, handling a double-barreled shotgun valiantly. "Yes, who cares for a measly wildcat; let him step up and get what's coming to him!" declared Bandy-legs, who was waving the camp hatchet ferociously. "I'm b-b-badgered if I c-c-care what it is right now. This rifle belonging to Max h-h-holds six bullets, fellows," spluttered Toby.

"Say that again." "'S true s' help me! What you c-c-care?" "How do you know he is an illegitimate child I say?" "I know that's nuf! Sh'tup and lemme g-g-go sleep." "Tell me, curse you!" shaking him until his teeth rattled. He was too far gone to answer and fell under the table.

'You have absolutely decided? she asked miserably. 'I have nobody now to c-c-care for 'I have absolutely decided, he shortly returned. 'We had better part here. You will go back to your father. There is no reason why I should accompany you, since my presence would only stand in the way of the forgiveness he will probably grant you if you appear before him alone.

I've got a big proposition to make, and you want to listen carefully." "T-t-take c-c-care of the lantern, f-f-fellows; my d-d-dad's w-w-wanting this old barn f-f-for his t-t-tobacco crop, and he'd b-b-be some put out if it b-b-burned just now!" came from Bluff.

Osborn followed her quickly with the dressing-gown, beseeching: "Do put it on! Do, Marie, do! You'll get cold. It's freezing." "M-m-much you'd c-c-care," she sobbed. "Oh, darling," said Osborn, wrapping the dressing-gown and his arms tightly round her, "tell me! What is the matter? What have I done? Aren't you happy, dearest?" "Happy!" she gasped. "Why should I be happy?"