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Are not my armies stationed on every shore? Is not Babylon the terror of kings? Ah! where is the power that can compete with Chaldea? My nobles are jealous of my fidelity to the gods. Yea, truly, and have I not given them reason? "This must go no further. If I have some lingering fears of the God of Belteshazzar, it must not be made manifest.

Is Belteshazzar willing to serve the king in this capacity, and shed honor upon the joint reign of the Medes and Persians?" "My life, for the short period I may tarry among mortals, if ye consider me worthy, will be consecrated to your service." "Then, O Belteshazzar," answered Darius, "thou art, by our united power and authority, appointed chief of the presidents. May the gods be thy support!"

"Which will surely be found even to this day laid up in the archives of thy kingdom." "Find this decree and show it me, and I will not only allow the building to be continued, but will promote the same," answered the king; "for my father's will is as sacred to me as the commands of the gods." "Wilt thou allow search to be made in the house of the rolls at Ecbatana?" asked Belteshazzar.

He also commanded that they should be taught for three years, and that at the end of that time they should enter the royal service. Among these young men were: Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; but the chief of the king's servants gave other names to them. To Daniel he gave the name Belteshazzar, and to Hananiah, Shadrach, and to Mishael, Meshach, and to Azariah, Abednego.

But then it would be some consolation to know that they had been compelled to worship and bow before the gods of the Chaldeans." "There is one thing to be deeply regretted," said Shagoth. "I am informed that Belteshazzar, the great Rab Mag, is now in Egypt, and is not expected to return for some weeks. He also ought to bear them company and share the same fate.