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Every morning as we set out with the wet hide chafing our skin, the Colonel would run the length of the regiment, crying: "Who gives the feast to-night, boys?" Now it was Bowman's company, now McCarty's, now Bayley's. How the hunters vied with each other to supply the best, and spent the days stalking the deer cowering in the wet thickets.

But in Captain Bayley's mind the question was always uppermost; sincerely attached as he had always been to Frank, the thought that his favourite might have suffered a cruel and dastardly wrong, and might now be slaving for his living in some unknown part of the world, worried and troubled him incessantly, and he felt that, happy as he was at the discovery of his grandson, he could never be contented and tranquil until this matter was cleared up.

Captain Bayley had never been on good terms with either of his brothers-in-law; both had been merchants in the city, and the old officer considered that his sisters had made mesalliances in marrying them. Frank's father and mother had died within a few months of each other, when he was about twelve years old; Captain Bayley's house had since been his home.

Holl became desperate, and one morning, after breakfast, she went to Captain Bayley's house. The ring at the area-bell brought out the cook. "What is it?" she said sharply. "I am the mother, ma'am, of Evan, as works here." "Well, come down, if you want to see him." "I don't want to see him, I want to see Captain Bayley."

I have not been out of doors these two months, but people call me 'looking well, and a newly married niece of Miss Bayley's, the accomplished Miss Thomson, who has become the wife of Dr. Charmed, too, we both were with Dr. Braun I mean Robert and I were charmed. He has a mixture of fervour and simplicity which is still more delightfully picturesque in his foreign English.