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"I'm hanged if I know what that means," Archer answered. "Therre's a couple morre of 'em on your collarr. Maybe you'rre a generral, hey? I'm just a plain, everyday botch." "Boche," said Tom. "Same thing."

"You said yourself that the old man was kind of a little off, like," Tom answered patiently. "He's got the bug that he's very shrewd and that he can always get the best of the Germans. Do you think I'd take a chance staying there? We took a chance as it was." "Yes, and you'rre going to take a biggerr one if you go chasing all over Gerrmany after that girrl. You won't find herr.

"What you got to do, you do," said Archer; "that's what you'rre always sayin'. Didn't you say you wanted it so's you could see that fellerr Blondel's house from the mountains? Therre it is," he said, nodding toward an old ring-net that stood near, "and it's some souveneerr too, 'cause it's been at the bottom of the old Rhine."

"They'll try to do the bossing even afterr they'rre licked. Treaties! They've got theirr firrst taste of a Yankee treaty, hey? Didn't even have a sworrd and wanted me to think they werre doin' us a favorr! President Wilson knows how to handle that bunch, all right, all right! Don't row if you'rre tirred." "It don't hurt my leg to row, only I see now I couldn't swim it."

"I'm not saying anything about that," said Archer. "My duty's to Uncle Sam. You've got the crazy notion now that you want to rescue a girrl, just like fellerrs do in story books. If you'rre going to be thinking about herr all the time I might as well go by myself. I could get along all right, if it comes to that." "Well, I couldn't," said Tom, with a note of earnestness in his voice.