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Updated: August 2, 2024

I caught him by the sleeve, and with a gesture drew him a little to one side; and then in a whisper I made known to him the parting speech of the captain. I saw that the announcement startled him. Brave man though he was, it was enough to bring the paleness to his cheeks, and cause him to stand for some moments speechless and irresolute. "You're sure he said that sure o' it, Willim?"

Breslau, to say the whole truth, is a city utterly without any attractions, either social or intellectual; the only other royal personage in the place is an eccentric Wurtemberg princess, a cousin of the now reigning King of Wurtemberg. This lady sacrificed her royal rank and prerogatives in order to marry a physician of the name of Dr. Willim, who had attended her father in his last illness.

Though their fate be sealed, they shall have a choice of death they shall choose between burning and drowning the latter will at least be easier to endure." It was this last reflection that had prompted me to my purpose. Bending downward, I hurriedly communicated my design to my companion. I was gratified with his reply. "All right, Willim! good work do it! do it set 'em free, poor creetirs.

If they get to know't, they'll knock off work every one o' 'em and then we must all either roast or drown. Let 'em go on with the raft maybe there'll be time enough yet. Almighty grant that there may be, Willim! For all that, 'tan't no harm to try and save ourselves if we can. The powder's sure to be about the cabin, and we'll stand a better chance here forrard.

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