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I begun to tell about Sheffield, and how we lived there, and all about the English Wilkses, and so on; but I didn't get pretty fur till the doctor begun to laugh; and Levi Bell, the lawyer, says: "Set down, my boy; I wouldn't strain myself if I was you. I reckon you ain't used to lying, it don't seem to come handy; what you want is practice. You do it pretty awkward."

I begun to tell about Sheffield, and how we lived there, and all about the English Wilkses, and so on; but I didn't get pretty fur till the doctor begun to laugh; and Levi Bell, the lawyer, says: "Set down, my boy; I wouldn't strain myself if I was you. I reckon you ain't used to lying, it don't seem to come handy; what you want is practice. You do it pretty awkward."

The lawyer done it, and says: "I believe it's so and if it ain't so, there's a heap stronger resemblance than I'd noticed before, anyway. Well, well, well! I thought we was right on the track of a solution, but it's gone to grass, partly. But anyway, one thing is proved THESE two ain't either of 'em Wilkses" and he wagged his head towards the king and the duke. Well, what do you think?

The lawyer done it, and says: "I believe it's so and if it ain't so, there's a heap stronger resemblance than I'd noticed before, anyway. Well, well, well! I thought we was right on the track of a solution, but it's gone to grass, partly. But anyway, one thing is proved THESE two ain't either of 'em Wilkses" and he wagged his head towards the king and the duke. Well, what do you think?

Blamed if he didn't inquire about everybody and everything in that blessed town, and all about the Wilkses; and about Peter's business which was a tanner; and about George's which was a carpenter; and about Harvey's which was a dissentering minister; and so on, and so on. Then he says: "What did you want to walk all the way up to the steamboat for?"

Blamed if he didn't inquire about everybody and everything in that blessed town, and all about the Wilkses; and about Peter's business which was a tanner; and about George's which was a carpenter; and about Harvey's which was a dissentering minister; and so on, and so on. Then he says: "What did you want to walk all the way up to the steamboat for?"