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"I wonder why it is," murmured MacShaughnassy reflectively, "that bad people are so much more interesting than good." "I don't think the reason is very difficult to find," answered Jephson. "There's more uncertainty about them. They keep you more on the alert. It's like the difference between riding a well-broken, steady-going hack and a lively young colt with ideas of his own.

The idea of settling a question by counting noses is the very last thing that ever enters the head of a well-broken horse. "To see how many's on my side. He's the likeliest-lookin' Trotter I've ever set eyes on. Pshaw. Boys. You ain't goin' to pound me, be youyou? Why, we've gone round in pasture, all colts together, this month Sundays, hain't we, as friendly as could be.

But for the well-broken trail, Jean would have fared ill through this tough brush. Jean espied several deer, and again a coyote, and what he took to be a small herd of wild horses. No more turkey tracks showed in the dusty patches. He crossed a number of tiny brooklets, and at length came to a place where the trail ended or merged in a rough road that showed evidence of considerable travel.

The idea of settling a question by counting noses is the very last thing that ever enters the head of a well-broken horse. "To see how many's on my side. He's the likeliest-lookin' Trotter I've ever set eyes on. Pshaw. Boys. You ain't goin' to pound me, be you? Why, we've gone round in pasture, all colts together, this month o' Sundays, hain't we, as friendly as could be.