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Would it be right of him to bring her down from that pedestal whereon she stood so austere, and urge upon her that she should debase herself to be as any other woman, even as Ethel Waterton? For the Watertons had brought him there to propose to Ethel. For hours he tossed and turned and revolved these problems. Rain beat on the leaded panes of the Waterton dormers.

Walton Hall is no longer the home of the Watertons, the oaks are too old to flourish many years more, and in time the stone cross may be overthrown and the exact burial place of Waterton be forgotten; but hisWanderings in South Americaand hisNatural History Essayswill always be read, and are for him a memorial like that claimed by the poet he read oftenest

A pause of some minutes followed; and then she determined to change the subject. "The music went very well this afternoon, I think," she said. "Miss Colwyn was in very good voice. Do you not like her singing?" "Yes, very much." "The Watertons were asking me about her. And the Bevans. I fancy she will get several engagements. Poor girl, I hope she will."

"I'm staying myself with the Watertons at the Park, but I'd rather have this pretty little rose-bowered garden than all their balustrades and Italian terraces. The cottagers have chosen the better part. What gillyflowers and what columbines! And here you look out so directly on the common.