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Butterwick's wife's uncle was staying with him, and after inviting some friends to come and eat the sugar they got to work. They took a huge wash-kettle down into the yard and piled some wood beneath it, and then they brought out a couple of buckets to catch the sap, and the auger with which to bore a hole in the tree.

"If you kain't shoot it off no better'n you does yo' mouf you kain't hurt me much." From a corner of the fence Mose took up a wash-kettle and put it upon the wheelbarrow. "You'll b b b be dead b b before night. Be easier t t to take what I come atter than to try t t to tell 'em w w what I want." As he turned his wheelbarrow about he saw Lije Peters standing in the gap.

But he saw one of them go to the spring and bring water, which she poured in a wash-kettle set up in the yard, while the old woman prepared the beef and put it in, the other negress started a fire, and the old man chopped and split wood to put around the kettle and fill the stone oven near by. "They're cookin' vittels for them rebels on the ridge." The Deacon correctly diagnosed the situation.

Back and forth she went to the kitchen; for she had heated the great copper wash-kettle full of water; and she watered all the shrubs in the garden, moving amid curling white wreaths of steam, until the water was gone.