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It's you who are kind to let me stay here, an' not mind my tearin' your house all to pieces. Thomas is goin' to drive me up to Wallacetown this evenin' to see if we can find some mechanics'; an' she got up, an' kissed me, an' strolled off." "Thomas thinks she's the eighth wonder of the world," said his father; "she can just wind him around her little finger."

By night she had the satisfaction of knowing that Weston's offer for the south meadow had been accepted, that the Wallacetown Bank and the insurance money would furnish part of the needed funds, and that she was to be allowed to loan the rest, and that the little brick cottage belonged to her.

Sally had prudently decided to teach for another year before getting married, and now that she could keep all her earnings, was happily saving them for her modest trousseau; she "boarded" in Wallacetown, where she taught, coming home only for Saturdays and Sundays, while Katherine and Edith were in high school, and gone all day. Mrs.

I went to Wallacetown yesterday afternoon, and made another $200 payment on our note at the bank at this rate we'll have that halfway behind us soon. To-day I've been over at your house every minute that I could spare and succeeded in getting the last workman out for good at eight o'clock this evening.