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It is not in his capacity of healer and man of science that the doctor vivisects or defends vivisection, but in his entirely vulgar lay capacity. He is made of the same clay as the ignorant, shallow, credulous, half-miseducated, pecuniarily anxious people who call him in when they have tried in vain every bottle and every pill the advertizing druggist can persuade them to buy.

"He talked to us about the thyroid gland I don't believe poor Bob's got one, between ourselves and how if you enlarged it or reduced it you'd adjust people's characters to suit the needs of Society; and all about chimpanzi's blood I believe he vivisects half through the night in that studio behind the house being the same as ours; and then Ray Lankester and Chalmers Mitchell argued about the cæca cæcums, you know something to do with appendicitis of the mammalia, and altogether we had a high old time I always learn something on their Thursdays."

Kissing, for all one hears of it, has not attracted the scientists and literati; one compares its meagre literature with the endless books upon the other phenomena of love, especially divorce and obstetrics. Even Dr. Sturgeon, pioneering bravely, is unable to get beyond a sentimental and trivial view of the thing he vivisects, and so his book is no more than a compendium of mush.