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"Later: Have been twice to the Casualty List Office, or Information Bureau, where the names of the verwundet und gefallen are posted column after column, company after company, regiment after regiment of fine black type nothing more or less than a printer's morgue, crowding into one dark hallway the cemetery of a nation.

Not inches, but yards, rods, two city blocks almost, of microscopic type; columns of names, arranged in the systematic German way lightly wounded, badly wounded schwer verwundet gefallen. Some have died of wounds tot some dead in the enemy's country in Feindesland gefallen. Rank on rank, blurring off into nothingness, endless files of type, pale as if the souls of the dead were crowding here.

In the theatre you see the Feldgrau heroes in dugouts in Flanders or in Galician trenches; see the audience weep when the German mother sends off her seven sons or the bearded father meets his youngest boy, schwer verwundet, on the battle-field; or cheer when the curtain goes down on noble blond giants in spiked helmets dangling miniature Frenchmen by the scruff of the neck and forcing craven Highlanders to bite the dust.

Here, for instance, is the Lightly wounded column, in German, Hungarian, and the other dialects: "Leicht verwundet, Konnyen megse-besult, Lehce ranen, Lekko raniony, Lecko ranenki, Leggiermente Jcrzto, Lako ranjen, Lahko ranjen, Usor ranit." A number were Russians fine, big, clear-eyed fellows with whom these genuine "Huns" chatted and laughed as if they were their own men.