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A great deal of scientifically valuable material is lost in this way, though fortunately these collectors go in for size chiefly, leaving small objects behind, so that I was able to procure several valuable pieces. After our return to Port Patterson the launch took me to a plantation from which I ascended the volcano of Venua Lava.

Later he works his way up in the society by attending numberless feasts and ceremonies, by having endless discussions on tusked pigs, by borrowing, buying and lending pigs, by plotting and sacrificing. The number of castes varies on different islands: in Ambrym there are fourteen, in Venua Lava twenty, in Aoba ten.

This accumulation of effects seemed then to me a little theatrical and exaggerated. The next steamer took me to the Banks Islands, and I went ashore at Port Patterson on Venua Lava. Here were the headquarters of a rubber planting company; but the rubber trees had not grown well, and the company had started cocoa-nuts. I had met Mr. Ch., the director, before, and he took me in.

There is a half-extinct volcano on Venua Lava, and many other islands show distinct traces of former volcanic activity, such as Meralava and Ureparapara, one side of which has broken down, so that now there is a smooth bay where once the lava boiled. Rivers are found only on the larger islands, where there are volcanic rocks.