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Venet. 1551. The custom of sparing the lives of female prisoners confirms what I have previously said of the language of the women. I believe, however, that the anthropophagy of the inhabitants of the West India Islands was much exaggerated by early travellers, whose stories Herrera, a grave and judicious historian, has not disdained to repeat in his Decades historicas.

"Cullion. It. Coglione, a cullion, a fool, a scoundrel, properly a dupe. See Cully. It. cogionare, to deceive, to make a dupe of.... In the Venet. coglionare becomes cogionare, as vogia for voglia.... Hence E. to cozen, as It. fregio, frieze; cugino, cousin; prigione, prison." Wedgwood refers, he gives another etymology of coglione, and, we think, a wrong one.

in which they will find many interesting Autographs and curious Portraits. We have also received Strand;" and Ancient and Modern, on Sale, by W. Pedder, 12. Holywell St. Part VI. 1849." THE WOMEN'S PETITION AGAINST COFFEE. 8vo. 1674. HARROD'S SEVENOAKE, A POEM. 4to. 1753. LIFE OF HON. ROBERT PRICE, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, London. 1734. Venet, 1716. Or the 2nd Vol. only.

Journal des Voyages, Découvertes et Navigations Modernes, ou Archives Géographiques du 19me Siècle. This work began in Nov. 1818, and is published monthly. Like all collections of this kind, the value of it would have been encreased, and the bulk much diminished, if the selection had been more scrupulous. Delle Navigationi e Viaggi raccolti da M.G.B. Ramusio. Venet.

In 1760 the third restoration was undertaken and the tomb assumed the form we now see and was given yet another inscription: Danti Aleghiero Poetae sui temporis primo Restitutori Politioris humanitatis Guido et Hostasius Polentiani clienti et hospiti peregre defuncto monumentum fecerunt Bernardus Bembus Praetor Venet. Ravenn. Pro meritis eius ornatu excoluit. Aloysius Valentius Gonzaga Card.