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Then Odin, for the first time in his life, said what was not true; the shadow of Baldur dead fell upon his lips, and he made answer, "My name is Vegtam, the son of Valtam." "And what do you want of me?" asked the prophetess. "I want to know," replied Odin, "for whom Hela is making ready that gilded couch in Helheim?" "That is for Baldur the Beloved," answered the prophetess.

At this the Vala grew very angry and said: "How couldst thou see in darkness? I know of only one who, by giving away his eye, gained light. No Vegtam art thou, but Odin, chief of men." At her angry words Odin became angry, too, and called out as loudly as ever he could, "No Vala art thou, nor wise woman, but rather the mother of three giants!"

I know of only one who, by giving away his eye, gained light. No Vegtam art thou but Odin, chief of men." At her angry words Odin became angry, too, and called out as loudly as he could, "No prophetess nor wise woman, but rather the mother of three giants."

So Vegtam stayed at the Giant's house and worked in the Giant's fields, and when all the work of the season was done Baugi said to him: "Speak now and tell me what reward I am to give you." "The only reward I shall ask of you," said Vegtam, "is a draught of the Magic Mead." "The Magic Mead?" said Baugi. "I do not know where it is nor how to get it." "Your brother Suttung has it.

Ages ago I was laid at rest here, snow and rain have fallen upon me through myriad years; why dost thou disturb me?" "I am Vegtam," answered Odin, "and I come to ask why the couches of Hel are hung with gold and the benches strewn with shining rings?" "It is done for Balder," answered the awful voice; "ask me no more."

And Gunnlöd, who had tasted a little of the Magic Mead, wandered through the world singing of the beauty and the might of Odin, and of her love for him. It was not only to Giants and Men that Odin showed himself in the days when he went through Jötunheim and Midgard as Vegtam the Wanderer.