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Both Jon and his mother had felt that if she took his portfolios, unexhibited drawings and unfinished matter, away with her, the work would encounter such icy blasts from Paul Post and other frequenters of her studio, that it would soon be frozen out even of her warm heart.

From time to time special groups of the reserved or unexhibited portraits might be put for six months in one of the public rooms thus providing a change and variety of interest for the general public. The same plan might be adopted with regard to the pictures in the National Gallery though no doubt a large number of splendid pictures would be permanently placed in the exhibition rooms.

Naturally, his great trick, while unexhibited, repeatedly had been referred to. Blushing delightfully, Madame Jolicoeur had told about the night-cap that was a necessary part of it; and had promised blushing still more delightfully that at some time, in the very remote future, the Major should see it performed.

In the case of pictures the opinion has been expressed that there would be great difficulty in managing a reserved unexhibited portion of our national collections so that the pictures could be properly cared for and yet readily brought into view when required. One can well believe that a similar difficulty was anticipated when it was first proposed to keep books on shelves instead of on tables.

Both Jon and his mother had felt that if she took his portfolios, unexhibited drawings and unfinished matter, away with her, the work would encounter such icy blasts from Paul Post and other frequenters of her studio, that it would soon be frozen out even of her warm heart.

Now, with respect to the Nelson memorial, your meddlesome scribe had an unexhibited notion of his own.

Now, with respect to the Nelson memorial, your meddlesome scribe had an unexhibited notion of his own.

Both Jon and his mother had felt that if she took his portfolios, unexhibited drawings and unfinished matter, away with her, the work would encounter such icy blasts from Paul Post and other frequenters of her studio, that it would soon be frozen out even of her warm heart.

More public money would be available for the proper care and study of works of art were less spent on the land, building and up-keep necessary for huge galleries. The desirability of separating a large unexhibited portion from the well-chosen and well-shown exhibited portion of works of art, exclusive of pictures, is, I believe, generally admitted.