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The Queen Mother has never been present at a ball since King Umberto's tragic death." "I wish this evening were over," said Nina, with a half-frightened sigh. The Contessa Olisco, who had caught the remark and the sigh, asked sympathetically, "But why?" "I was nervous enough over going alone to the presentation the other afternoon, but to go to a ball is much worse." "But you won't be alone.

Even than a great man on a throne we can, when we reflect, imagine something ah, not something better perhaps, but something more remote from absurdity. Let us say that Umberto's father was great, as well as extraordinary. He was accounted great enough to be the incarnation of a great idea. 'United Italy' oh yes, a great idea, a charming idea: in the 'sixties I should have been all for it.

There is the Kaiser's, the late Kaiser's, the Czar's, Umberto's, Margarita's, who loves music, more than most and toute la boutique. Then there are also those of all the musicians, and but you will see to-morrow." He had brought his violin-case upstairs, and now opened it and took out his Amati. "I will play for you, ma chère fille," he declared. And he played. Brigit watched him, amazed.

In vain did King Umberto's ministers appeal to Berlin for help against France. They received the reply that the affair had been virtually settled at the time of the Berlin Congress . The resentment produced by these events in Italy led to the fall of the Cairoli Ministry, which had been too credulous of French assurances; and Depretis took the helm of State.