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This thing on my face was caused, when I was out shooting the other day on the T'ieh Wang hills, by a flap from the wing of the falcon." "When was that?" asked Pao-yue. "I started," explained Tzu-ying, "on the 28th of the third moon and came back only the day before yesterday."

I should be!" Hsueeh P'an shouted, and saying this, he took up the wine and poured it down his throat with one gulp. Feng Tzu-ying, Chiang Yue-han and their companions thereupon asked him to explain the allusion. Yuen Erh readily told them, and Chiang Yue-han hastily got up and pleaded guilty. "Ignorance," the party said with one consent, "does not amount to guilt."

They next had tea. "What you said the other day," smiled Pao-yue, raising his cup, "about good fortune coming out of evil fortune has preyed so much upon my mind, both by day and night, that the moment I received your summons I hurried to come immediately." "My worthy cousins," rejoined Feng Tzu-ying smiling. "You're all far too credulous! It's a mere hoax that I made use of the other day.

The wines were afterwards placed on the table, and they took the seats consistent with their grades. Feng Tzu-ying first and foremost called the singing-boys and offered them a drink. Next he told Yuen Erh to also approach and have a cup of wine.