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To Tusk's imagination this shy fighter who kept himself at safe distances now became suddenly elongated, and then as suddenly grew normal. In the meanwhile, however, in that infinitesmal part of a second during which the transformation occurred a fist as hard as rocks smashed into his mouth.

It's a penitentiary offense, and I'll have him up before the next Circuit Court, sure! Or better still," he declared, growing more and more angry, "I'll ride back and tell him myself!" "Naw you don't," Tusk's hand went quickly to the bridle rein. "You don't give me the slip that a-way!" "I'm not trying to give you the slip, you poor fool! You come in town day after tomorrow and get your money.

Bent breathlessly forward, her hands clenched into revengeful little fists, her cheeks and eyes aflame and eager, her lips apart, and her nostrils dilated as though in very truth they sought the smell of battle, she was not a picture of one who would mount a horse and fly. At the first rush Tusk's knife had fallen from his hand and now lay almost at her feet.

He charged his foe but never found him, he cursed and drooled and charged again, until at last Brent said in a tone of great solicitude: "Well, old throw-back, I reckon I'll have to uncouple you now, and let in the twilight! Hate to do it Ugh!" The right swing went smashing out not to the jaw, but at just the proper instant to the pit of Tusk's stomach.