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Arsenic-eating may seem to improve the condition of horses for a time, and even of human beings, if Tschudi's stories can be trusted, but it soon appears that its alien qualities are at war with the animal organization.

Such conduct would have been 'heroic', but the obvious objection to it is that it would have destroyed the very heart of the saga, which it was not for Schiller to make over but to render dramatically plausible. It may be urged, perhaps, that a poet who had made Joan of Arc die in glory on the battle-field need not have been so punctilious in following the exact line of Tschudi's story.

In dealing with this difficulty, Schiller departs from his ordinary method of concentration and allows himself to be guided by the epical character of Tschudi's narrative. The result is that we have, somewhat as in Goethe's 'Goetz von Berlichingen', a succession of dramatic pictures, rather than a drama bound together by a severe logic.

It stimulated his love of Swiss zoology to such an extent that he straightway borrowed a still rarer pamphlet of mine, J. J. Tschudi's "Schweizer Echsen," which I likewise never saw again. What an innocent one was! Where is now the man who will induce me to lend him such books? The last gift was a seal from the fresh-water lake of Saima in Finland.

Arsenic-eating may seem to improve the condition of horses for a time, and even of human beings, if Tschudi's stories can be trusted, but it soon appears that its alien qualities are at war with the animal organization.

He read Tschudi's 'Chronicon' and found it Homeric and Herodotean in its simple straightforwardness. The legend fascinated him and he began to see in it the material of a popular drama that should take the theatrical world by storm.