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Paint Scotland greeting ower her thrissle, Her mutchkin stoup as toom's a whistle, And d n'd excisemen in a bustle, Seizing a stell, Triumphant crushin't like a mussel, Or lampit shell During the period of Mr. Bertram's active magistracy, he did not forget the affairs of the revenue.

Paint Scotland greeting ower her thrissle, Her mutchkin stoup as toom's a whistle, And d n'd excisemen in a bustle, Seizing a stell, Triumphant crushin't like a mussel, Or lampit shell During the period of Mr. Bertram's active magistracy, he did not forget the affairs of the revenue.

"But there's the tappit hen. I doot gin we lea' her i' the press, she'll be wantin' to lay." "Na, na, nae fear o' that. She's as toom's a cock. Gang and luik. The last drap in her wame flaw oot at the window i' that bottle. Eh! Alec, but I'll hae a sair day, and ye maun be true to me. Gie me my Homer, or I'll never win throu't. Sae ye maunna be langer nor ye can help."

He told the story at great length to a full audience in the kitchen, and concluded by swearing, that if ever the devil spoke by the mouth of a woman, he had spoken by that of Meg Merrilies that blessed day. Paint Scotland greeting ower her thrissle, Her mutchkin stoup as toom's a whistle, And d-n'd excisemen in a bustle, Seizing a stell; Triumphant crushin't like a mussell, Or lampit shell. Burns.