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"Oh, I'm getting along, I s'pose," said he "getting along as well as a man can that's lying on his back from morning to night; prostrated, as Squire Dennison said his corn was t'other day." "It is very tiresome, isn't it?" said Ellen. "It's the tiresomest work that ever was, for a man that has two arms to be a-doing nothing, day after day.

The tiresomest thing about you is the way you leash up that dimple of yours. No, by George, there it is! Janie, look at me " She touched the place where the leashed dimple had hidden with a delicate and wondering finger of all Jerry's gifts to her the most miraculous had been that small fugitive. Exiled now, forever and forever. "Are you comin' down to White Orchards next week-end?

"Well, if they do," said she, "who's the worse, so long as they don't say nothing about it? It's the tiresomest thing in the world to be always talking of them sort of things, and nobody that's ever been abroad troubles their heads about them."

'You industrious little fairy, returned Flora, taking, in another cup of tea, another of the doses prescribed by her medical man, 'there's not the slightest hurry and it's better that we should begin by being confidential about our mutual friend too cold a word for me at least I don't mean that, very proper expression mutual friend than become through mere formalities not you but me like the Spartan boy with the fox biting him, which I hope you'll excuse my bringing up for of all the tiresome boys that will go tumbling into every sort of company that boy's the tiresomest.