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Nevertheless, on account of the extraordinary and crying needs of Catubig which, as we have said, is in the eastern part of the island of Ibabao, bathed by the South Sea Father Juan de Torres, accompanied by a brother, was constrained to go thither from Tinagon at the end of the year one thousand six hundred and one.

Of these we have already given some general account, and now I will relate in detail one case, only, in the words of Father Francisco de Otaco, who wrote from Tinagon, before he departed thence to be superior in Dulac: "There came today from Catubig a Christian Indian, a youth of about sixteen years, to hear mass and make his confession; it was a long and toilsome journey.

The father went to the house and baptized the child; and, having offered a prayer for it, went away. No sooner had he gone, than our Lord called the child to Himself; and it seemed as if the little one was only waiting baptism in order to enter heaven immediately. The method of preaching which our Fathers employed in Tinagon, and the results thereby obtained.

What was accomplished at that time in Tinagon is well related by Father Francisco de Otaço in the following special account which he gave of his labors there: "It is wonderful to see how these people have all at once and generally abandoned their sins.

Some of them may be visited entirely by sea, such as those of Tinagon or Samar; others wholly by land, as the mission of Alangalang. Again, others may be reached partly by sea, partly by land, such as Dulac, Carigara, and Bohol.

When some persons attempted to restrain him, he responded that such was the obligation of a Christian. The increase and fervor of Christianity in Tinagon.

When the first fruits had been paid with a thousand Christians, who, as we have said, died newly-baptized, in Tinagon and its district, there were left, upon the arrival there of the fathers of the Society, about eight thousand five hundred souls.

They have become fishermen of souls, casting their nets for the heavenly catch from these journeys returning to Tinagon, where, as we have said, is the house of their residence. This residence cares for fourteen villages, large and small. During the year, there have been baptized therein three thousand six hundred and eighty persons, most of them adults.