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Ligi showed them where to begin cutting, and then he left them. When he was out of sight, the tikgi said to the rice cutters: "Rice cutters, you cut the rice alone." And to the bands which were lying nearby they said: "Bands, you tie into bundles the rice which the cutters cut" And the rice cutters and the bands worked alone, doing as they were told.

In answer to their many questions, she told them that she had been in the bana-asi tree, where Kaboniyan had carried her, until the day that she changed herself into the tikgi birds and went to the field of Ligi. Ligi was very fond of the beautiful girl and he asked her parents if he might marry her. They were very willing and decided on a price he should pay.

So Ligi went home and built a rice granary to hold his grain, and when he returned to the field the rice was all cut. Then the tikgi said: "We have cut all your rice, Ligi, so give us our pay, and when you go home the rice will all be in your granary." Ligi wondered at this, and when he reached home and saw that his granary was full of rice, he doubted if the tikgi could be real birds.

"Tikgi, tikgi, Ligi, can we cut your rice which is amasi mixed with alomáski in the place of Domayási?" "Are you here now, tikgi?" said Ligi. "Go and cut the rice and see if you can cut it very soon, and after that I will make Sayang, and you must come tikgi," said Ligi. "Yes, we are going to cut and you do not need to stay here. You can go home if you wish," said the tikgi. So Ligi went home.

As it did not break, she declared that the sign was good; and Kanag and Dapilisan were married. Then the people played on the copper gongs, danced, and made merry for a long time, and when they returned to their homes Kanag and his bride went with Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen. The Story of the Tikgi Tinguian "Tikgi, tikgi, tikgi, we will come to work for you. Let us cut your rice."