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"Now Ligi we must go home, because it is not good for us to stay for we cannot sit among the people whom you have invited, for we are tikgi and always fly." Not long after they went home and Ligi followed them.

The next morning when Ligi reached the field, he found the birds already there and he said: "Now, Tikgi, cut the rice as fast as you can, for when it is finished I will make a ceremony for the spirits, and you must come." "Yes," replied the tikgi, "and now we shall begin the work, but you do not need to stay here."

After that Ligi went home to see the rice granary. As soon as Ligi left them they used magic so that all the rice went to the granary of Ligi in his town. As soon as Ligi arrived at the drying enclosure he saw the rice which the tikgi had sent and he was surprised. "I wonder how those tikgi sent all the rice? I think they are not real tikgi" said Ligi.

But they still asked until he let them cut his rice. "Ala, Ligi, even if we are tikgi we know how to cut rice." "If you want to come and cut, you must come again, because the rice is not yet ripe. When you think it is ripe, you come," he said. "If that is what you say Ligi that we shall come when the rice is ripe, we will go home and come again," said the tikgi. Not long after they went home.

As soon as the birds went Ligi fell sick; he wanted always to see them, and he had a headache, so he went home to Kadalayapan. The tikgi used magic so that Ligi's rice was ripe in a few days. Five days later, Ligi went back to his rice field and the tikgi went also, and they arrived at the same time.

So the rice cutters and bands worked alone and Ligi went home when he had shown them where to cut rice. He advised the tikgi to cut rice until afternoon, and they said, "Yes, Ligi, when it is afternoon you truly come back." "Yes," said Ligi. When it became afternoon Ligi went. As soon as he arrived at the field the rice which they had cut was gathered five hundred bundles.

"Tikgi, tikgi, Ligi, Ala, now we have come to cut your rice amasi which is mixed with alomáski in the place of Domayási," said the tikgi. "Come, tikgi, if you know how to cut rice," said Ligi. Not long after the tikgi went. "We use magic so that you cut the rice. You rice cutters, you cut alone the rice. And you tying bands, you tie alone the rice which the rice cutters cut," said the tikgi.

The quid of Ebang and her husband and that of the tikgi went together, so they knew that she was their daughter who had disappeared from their house one day long ago while they were in the fields.

"It is true that I am the tikgi who came to cut rice, because you would not have found me if I had not done it." He married the woman who had power so that she became several birds, and he took her home. When they arrived in Kadalayapan the people whom Ligi had invited were still there and were dancing.

He left the people in the party and he watched where they went, and they went to the bana-ási tree and Ligi went to them and he saw them take off their feathers and put them in the rice granary and Ligi said to them, "Is that what you become, a girl; sometimes you are tikgi who come to cut rice for me. Now that you are not tikgi I would like to marry you."