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Can you give us a little light on the subject, professor?" By way of reply the professor pressed a knob, and the lamp itself flashed its dazzling light upon the scene, when it became apparent that the ship had gradually risen from the ground, bringing the top of her lamp just above the level of the last tie-rod of the roof. "Can you drop her a little? Six inches will do it," said the baronet.

All these spaces are of some depth; each has in the centre a pendant, and in each the opening is fringed with tracery or foliation. In some are elaborate Gothic cuspings, in others long carved leaves curved at the ends; and in one which happens to come exactly over an iron tie-rod for the rods are placed quite irregularly the pendant is much longer and is joined to the tie by a small iron bar.

Then followed the erection of the ironwork in the Brooklyn yard; its inspection by the engineer appointed by the bankers; its dismemberment and final coat of red lead each tie-rod and beam red as sticks of sealing-wax its delivery, properly bundled and packed, aboard a sailing vessel bound for San Juan, and the payment of the last instalment.

It was so much more refreshing one could work so much better after drinking tea." He turned to some calculations for the section of a tie-rod, with which Sir George Farquhar had at last consented to strengthen the south side of the tower, and did not notice how time passed till there came another irritating tap, and his landlady reappeared.