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They also state that "in ticquers the impulse to seek a sensation is common and also to repeat to excess a functional act." Loc. cit., p. 62.

The mental condition of ticquers is especially characterized by the imperfection or weakness of volition, by a certain degree of mental instability and lack of inhibitory control of the desires, tendencies, activities and motor expressions of the individual, this defect laying the groundwork for the impulsions and obsessions, as also for hysterical, so-called neurasthenic, hypochondriacal, depressive and so-called dementia praecox reactions.

They also mention that in ticquers we frequently find the impulse to seek a sensation and to repeat to excess a functional act.

Although not denying the basic neurotic constitution present in ticquers, Clark sums up by giving the following definite and fully developed theory: "The ticquer has a strong sexual attachment; this is so strong that the love instinct ineffectually sublimates the hate instinct and in the warring conflict doubt and physical and psychic inadequacy arise.

Perhaps I should also mention the fact that all of these symptoms or tendencies which one finds in ticquers occur in other individuals who do not present tics; and, furthermore, that all normal individuals possess these qualities or tendencies in varying degrees of intensity and in varying combinations, and that this applies to adults as well as to children, although, of course, they are seen most characteristically in children.

The individual, as a biological unit, is reacting to the particular situation which presents itself by the tic mechanism. By granting the phylogenetic, racial significance we also give the basic, psychophysical meaning of tics in all ticquers. How is it that these activities may come into play again? What brings them to the surface once more?

Clark's conception of the meaning of tic movements and of the mental state characteristic of ticquers must be here given.

Therefore, the most we can say of the mental condition in ticquers is that there is an exaggeration of the mental infantilism or a fixation at or tendency toward regression to this type of thinking or of reaction.