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Hence we had not long to wait before we distinguished Suzor and his companion, both in dinner-jackets, strolling on foot across the Plaza from the Calle de Cervantes in the direction of the hotel. In an instant I recognized the form of the mysterious owner of the house in Stretton Street. "Yes!" I cried. "I'm not mistaken! But why is he here under the name of Thibon?

It seemed that De Gex or Monsieur Thibon, as he preferred to call himself shared Suzor's private sitting-room and, curiously enough, he also did not go out in the daytime! After all, that was not surprising, for such a great figure in international finance was probably well-known in the Spanish capital.

As I entered the concierge met me with a note. I lost no time in keeping the appointment, and on meeting my friend, he whispered excitedly: "Suzor has a visitor. He arrived at the Ritz at six o'clock, and they have dined together. He is a well-dressed man of between forty and fifty, rather sallow-faced, and has given his name at the hotel as Henri Thibon, rentier, of Bordeaux."

I had the honor of sitting on the Bench of commerce with Monsieur le baron Thibon, chairman of the committee on discounts; and he, most assuredly, would not refuse me. But up to this time I have never made use of my credit or my signature; my signature is virgin, and you know what difficulties that puts in the way of negotiation."