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Hence therefore may proceed inflammation of quicker or of slower progress, disease of the vertebræ, derangement of structure in the medulla, or in its membranes, thickening or even ulceration of the theca, effusion of fluids, &c.

Daily injections for three, four or five days, are not harmful and will control infection in many instances. Thecitis and Bursitis. Etiology and Occurrence. The thecae and bursae of the leg are several in number. In the carpal region, the flexors of the phalanges are contained together in the carpal sheath, and this is the principal theca in the carpal region.

Numbers of ova die without reaching maturity, the follicular cells degenerate, and the follicle becomes filled with the cells of the theca interna, which have a resemblance to those of the true corpus luteum. These degenerate follicles have been termed spurious corpora lutea, or atretic vesicles. The interstitial cells are the remains of these atretic vesicles.

One day, in one of these allocutions addressed to himself, he was heard to cry out, "I have studied vegetation in all its mysteries in the stalk, in the bud, in the sepal, in the stamen, in the carpel, in the ovule, in the spore, in the theca, and in the apothecium. I have thoroughly sifted chromatics, osmosy, and chymosy that is to say, the formation of colours, of smell, and of taste."

The true corpora lutea arise from follicles in which the ova have become mature and from which they have escaped through the surface of the ovary. Buds from the theca interna invade the follicle and form the connective tissue of the corpus luteum.