United States or Monaco ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

So upon one occasion, passing near the table at which sat myself and the above-mentioned doctor, table-mates for the time being, he noticed that he was not eating his carrots, a dish which had been especially prepared for him, I imagine for if one unconsciously ignored certain things the first day or two of his stay, those very things would be all but rammed down his throat during the remainder of his stay; a thing concerning which one guest and another occasionally cautioned newcomers.

Social amenities, the niceties of table-training, and the tricks of speech that betray the sectional birthright, proclaim to the ever-observant table-mates the status of each newcomer, and she rises or falls in estimation just so far as her metal rings true.

A middle-aged man and woman and two young fellows were their table-mates and the group attracted a great deal of attention. "What has she got that flag pinned on her for?" repeated Hephzy. "She wishes everyone to know she's an American exportation, I suppose," I answered. "She is evidently proud of her country." "Humph!

"Jist take the corners like this," suiting the action to the word, "and give a shake like this, and pile them on top o' one another like this," and with that she turned to her own "shaking" and resumed gossip with her side-partner, another old woman, who was roundly denouncing the "trash" that was being thrust upon her as table-mates, and throwing out palpable insults to the "Ginnies" who stood vis-