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Fascism therefore has transformed the syndicate, that old revolutionary instrument of syndicalistic socialists, into an instrument of legal defense of the classes both within and without the law courts.

On his first move outwards he was lucky enough to fall in with certain old college friends, some of whom had been smitten with syndicalistic ideas. But they are ashamed of themselves: they hide themselves, or they take on the hue of one of the fashionable political colors, if not of several, all at once. Besides, he was under the influence of his friends.

"Even if the dreams of the future of syndicalistic Socialism should never be realized, none of us has the secret of history, it would suffice for me to give it my full support, to know that it is at the moment I am speaking the essential agent of civilization in the world."

If these ever come into the light in politics, they will demand a kind of syndicalistic communism. That is as far as we can see at present into the as yet unopened germs of continuous revolutionary movement.

He had a song-book of the Industrial Workers of the World, a syndicalistic group of American laborers and intellectuals, and in it were scores of popular airs accompanied by words of dire import to capitalists and employers. One, to the tune of "Marching through Georgia," threatened destruction to civilization in the present concept.