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Came to me next a gallant swol'n with pride, Brave, in his own conceit, And no less noble eke. Whom woe betide That he me took, and holds in all unmeet Suspicion, jealous-eyed! And I, who wot that me the world should greet As the predestined sweet Of many men, well-nigh Despair, to be to one thus subjugate.

But the description of the constellation itself by Aratus suffices to show that the two bright stars I have named marked the eyes of the imagined monster in fact, Aratus's account singularly resembles that given in the Shield of Hercules. 'Swol'n is his neck, says Aratus of the Dragon ... Eyes charg'd with sparkling fire His crested head illume.

At nightfall she return'd, white with grief and fatigue; yet I was glad to see her eyes red and swol'n with weeping. Throughout our supper she kept silence; but when 'twas over, look'd up and spoke in a steady tone "Sir, I have a favor to ask, and must risk being held importunate " "From you to me," I put in, "all talk of favors had best be dropp'd." "No listen.

"Herbs are brought, by moonlight mow'd With brazen scythes, big, swol'n with milky juice Of curious poison, and the fleshy knot Torn from the forehead of a new foal'd colt To rob the mother's love." The horse so made by the magician was, both in size and shape inferior to many horses which are dedicated within Altis, and was rendered still more deformed by having no tail.

Yet it is a pleasure to me to gather from the concluding couplet that the author had sound Whig principles: If men would shun swol'n Fortune's ruinous blasts, Let them use temperance; nothing violent lasts.