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Potter made no reply but to shake his head despondently, and Packer sat silent in deference, as if waiting to be questioned further. It was the playwright who presently filled the void. "Why haven't Mr. and Mrs. Surbilt gone into the same companies, if they care to be together? I should think they'd have made it a point to get engagements in the same ones." Packer looked disturbed.

"I know him, and it sounds like something you're making up as you go along, Packer." "Indeed, I'm not, Mr. Potter!" the stage-manager cried, in simple distress. "I wouldn't know how." "Go on!" "Well, sir, it seems Vorly Surbilt was to go out with Mrs. Romaley, and it seems that when Miss Lyston left rehearsal she drove around till she found him " "Ah! I knew she was fooling me!

"It's not done much," he said. "Besides, Vorly Surbilt plays leading parts with women stars," old Tinker volunteered. "You see, naturally, it wouldn't do at all." "Jealousy, you mean?" "Not necessarily the kind you're thinking of. But it just doesn't do." "Some managers will allow married couples in their companies," Potter said, adding emphatically: "I won't! I never have and I never will! Never!

She asked me to tell you that she felt she was giving up a great honour, and to thank you for all your kindness to her." "Go on!" Potter sternly bade him. "Why does she wish to leave my company?" "Why, it seems she's very much in love with her husband, sir, Vorley Surbilt " "It doesn't seem possible," said Potter, shaking his head.

Surbilt, being wife to the established leading man of that ilk, Vorly Surbilt. Miss Lyston had come to the rehearsal in a condition of exhausted nerves, owing to her husband's having just accepted, over her protest, a "road" engagement with a lady-star of such susceptible gallantry she had never yet been known to resist falling in love with her leading-man before she quarrelled with him.