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His herds had increased by a thousand head during the fawning months of April and May, and interbreeding of the Asiatic stock with wild, woodland caribou had produced a hundred calves of the super-animal whose flesh was bound to fill the markets of the States within a few years.

And finally, with his bottle displaced by more solid food, and the visits of his mistress becoming less frequent, he awoke to certain mysterious arrivals and departures in a buggy of a sharp-eyed woman all in black, and he came to feel, by reason of his super-animal instinct, that something of a very grave nature was about to happen to him.

It is the supernatural in us, or rather the super-animal, and the ground of human progress. He who has no ideal contents himself with what is; he has no quarrel with facts, which for him are identical with the just, the good, and the beautiful. But why is the divine radiation imperfect? Because it is still going on. Our planet, for example, is in the mid-course of its experience.

Your super-animal, your supreme-stag subdues the other stags, but he never conquers himself, he never feels the need of it, and therefore he never comprehends what we call tragedy." "I gather your inference," I said, smiling. "Well," she admitted, "I haven't stated the case with the shade of delicacy it deserves, but I wanted to make my meaning clear.

Your super-animal, your supreme-stag subdues the other stags, but he never conquers himself, he never feels the need of it, and therefore he never comprehends what we call tragedy." "I gather your inference," I said, smiling. "Well," she admitted, "I haven't stated the case with the shade of delicacy it deserves, but I wanted to make my meaning clear.

Faculty of admiration is one of our super-animal privileges. Poetry purges and guides admiration; and the sounder and higher our admirations, the more admirable ourselves become. The best poetry turns the mind inward upon itself, and sweetens its imaginations.

Professor Jules-Bois, member of the L'Ecole de Psychologie of the Sorbonne, lectured in America in 1928; he told his audiences that French scientists have accorded recognition to the superconsciousness, "which is the exact opposite of Freud's subconscious mind and is the faculty which makes man really man and not just a super-animal."

Your super-animal, your supreme-stag subdues the other stags, but he never conquers himself, he never feels the need of it, and therefore he never comprehends what we call tragedy." "I gather your inference," I said, smiling. "Well," she admitted, "I haven't stated the case with the shade of delicacy it deserves, but I wanted to make my meaning clear.