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Then close the sitting by removing the uterine instrument, substituting the sponge-cup as P. P., and treating with it externally, about five minutes, over the pelvic region, while N. P. is stationed on the spine, at the first or second dorsal vertebra. On the intervening days, treat only with the uterine electrode, as above prescribed. Take A D current, very mild force.

Next, manipulate with sponge-cup, P. P., or the tin electrode filled with sponge, over all the front parts of the neck and throat, down to the chest, five to eight minutes. Treat as often as once in two or three hours. This affection requires treatment variously, as it depends on one or another procuring cause.

To the surprise of Doctor Hoff, the young man's glance roved the big desk before him, settling with satisfaction upon a sponge-cup for moistening stamps. Applying this to one of the spots on the shirt, he rubbed the wetted portion vigorously on a sheet of paper which lay near at hand. His lips pursed. He whistled very softly and meditatively. He scratched his chin with a slow movement.

Use B D current, moderate force, three or four times, and then change to C D. Apply the eye-bath, N. P., to the eye, and sponge-cup P. P. upon one of the upper dorsal vertebræ. Treat three to five minutes on each eye, three times a week. If neither of the rectus muscles have been cut and cicatrized, and if the deformity be not congenital, it may ordinarily be cured.