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The ova, which are about the size of those of Yama-mai, Pernyi, or Mylitta, are rather flat and concave on one side, of an amber-yellow color and transparent, like those of sphingidae. When the larvae have absorbed the yellow liquid in the egg, and are fully developed; they can be seen through the shell of the egg, which is white or colorless when the larva has come out.

The moths that fly by day and feed are of the Sphinginae group, Celeus and Carolina, or Choerocampinae, which includes the exquisite Deilephila Lineata, and its cousins; also Sphingidae, which cover the clear-winged Hemaris diffinis and Thysbe.

But the moths of certain families, such as the Zygaenidae, several Sphingidae, Uraniidae, some Arctiidae and Saturniidae, fly about during the day or early evening, and many of these are extremely beautiful, being far brighter coloured than the strictly nocturnal kinds. A few exceptional cases, however, of bright-coloured nocturnal species have been recorded. For instance, Lithosia; but Prof.

Sperm-whales, battles of male. Sphingidae, coloration of the. Sphinx, Humming-bird. Sphinx, Mr. Bates on the caterpillar of a. Sphinx moth, musky odour of. Spiders, parental feeling in; male, more active than female; proportion of the sexes in; secondary sexual characters of; courtship of male; attracted by music; male, small size of. Spilosoma menthastri, rejected by turkeys.

The hybrids hibernated in the pupa state. Roylei, as Pernyi, hibernates in the pupa state. In the November number, 1881, of "The Entomologist," Mr. W.F. Kirby, of the British Museum, wrote an article having for its title, "Hermaphrodite-hybrid Sphingidae," in which, referring to hybrids of Smerinthus ocellatus and populi, he says that hermaphroditism is the usual character of such hybrids.