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Most of the boats were being navigated carefully, but now and then a small, fast speed-craft would shoot out from behind another so suddenly that Betty would be forced to swerve sharply to one side, fairly grazing the stern of the racing boat. On one of these occasions, when it had seemed impossible to avoid a collision, Amy called out sharply: "Oh, Betty, don't you think we had better go back?"

"He's going to try to dodge us, running dark." Bronson had already slackened speed at sight of the disappearing lights ahead. Then he put the Richard hard over, and the speed-craft swerved with a jerk which left her passengers crowding close against one another. "Give her the gun," shouted Gregory. "Head back. Don't let him slip us."

One by one the threads snapped and curled in the heat radiated from the burning vessel. Dickie Lang huddled in the driver's seat and jerked the hull of the speed-craft frantically against the strain of the tow-line. For an instant death held them by a single strand. Then the line parted and the Richard leaped to safety.

The Pelican was despatched at once to take her position as the leader of the front rank. As the Curlew made ready to get under way, Hawkins appeared at the rail. "Don't forget the press," he called. "If I'm going to do this affair justice I've got to be at the ringside." Gregory moved nearer to Bronson and allowed the newspaperman to accompany the party on the speed-craft.