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Flowers on the ridges near the top of the stem, with spiny tubes, spreading petals of a deep purple colour, and yellow stamens and pistil. They are developed freely in June and July. This is a soft-fleshed species, from Texas; it is not easily kept in health, and is therefore rarely seen. It should be treated as advised for C. ctenoides.

Miss Green, with a kindly glance at Patricia, puckered up her lips in the circle that only fat, soft-fleshed people can accomplish and laid the impartial finger on them as a sign that no more words were to be wasted, and the class, temporarily attentive to the newcomers, became absorbed again.

They were broad-leafed, low-growing plants which would eventually turn out to be possessed of soft-fleshed roots which were almost unanimously useless for human purposes. There were even some plants with thorns and spines upon them. But they encountered no danger. By and large, wild animals everywhere are ferocious only when desperate.

And thus passes her life, cheerfully, usefully, virtuously, with hopes, doubtless, of a husband and children. Mrs. H is a particularly plump, soft-fleshed, fair-complexioned, comely woman enough, with rather a simple countenance, not nearly so piquant as Nancy's. Her walk has something of the roll or waddle of a fat woman, though it were too much to call her fat.