United States or Cyprus ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"They have a way of running into most of their dangers at night, too. It was the same up on Lake Superior, the same in the snake-haunted Everglades of Florida; the same on the Rocky Mountains, and the same in the Hudson Bay country." "They sure do keep things moving," grinned George.

Dam had passed through a most disturbing night; he had kept guard in the lonely Snake-haunted darkness, guard over a mortuary in which lay a corpse; he had had to keep knocking at the corpse's door, his mind had run on funerals, he had thought he heard the dead man groan, he believed he had seen the dead man moving, he had wrestled with thick intelligences who held him drunk or mad while precious moments passed, and he had had the Snake before his mental vision throughout this terrible time and here was another of its emissaries wearing its badge, an emissary of high rank, an Officer-Emissary!... Well, he was in the open air, thank God, and could put up a fight as before.

There, indeed, if you care to brave the snake-haunted place you will discover a word, or the part of a word "Talav ," "Torre Vedras," "Vimiera," or "Badaj ," or "Fuentes de On ," and you know that underneath lies the dust of men who served their country well when the Iron Duke was rescuing Europe from the grip of the bloodstained Corsican.