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"Into thee, O Isaac Silvera," said he, "has the soul of David, King of Israel, migrated. Therefore shalt thou be called King David and shalt have dominion over Persia. Thou, O Chayim Inegna, art Jeroboam, and shalt rule over Araby. Thou, O Daniel Pinto, art Hilkiah, and thy kingdom shall be Italia.

Suddenly a whisper ran through the mob that there were unbelievers in the city, that some were actually fasting and praying in the synagogue. And at once there was a wild rush. They found the doors shut, but the voice of wailing was heard from inside. "Beat in the doors!" cried Isaac Silvera. "What do they within, profaning the festal day?"

"How dare you profane the House of God?" "Blasphemers!" retorted Silvera. "Ye who pray for what God in His infinite mercy has granted, do ye mock and deride Him?" But Solomon Algazi, a hoary-headed zealot, cried out, "My fathers have fasted before me, and shall I not fast?" For answer a great stone hurtled through the air, just grazing his head.

Soto accordingly sent Ferdinand de Silvera and Pedro Moreno under the guidance of these Indians to the place, ordering them likewise to examine diligently into all the circumstances of the country they passed through.

"Ay," chimed in Abraham Rubio, "we were pursued all night by two pirates, one on either side of us like beggars." "And the Captain," said Isaac Silvera, "despairing of escape, planned to take to the boats with his crew, leaving the passengers to their fate." "But he did not?" quoth a breathless Cabalist. "Alas, no," said Abraham Rubio, with a comical grimace. "Would he had done so!