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Keep after 'em!" Dick struck the first South Grammar fellow out. The next man at bat took first on called balls. The next hit a light fly that was good for a base. The player who followed sent a bunt that Dave, as short-stop, fumbled. And now the bases were full. "Oh, you Ted!" wailed the South fans hopefully. "Do your duty now, Teall!" Ted gripped the bat, stepping forward.

Of late years I have observed a great increase in the number of athletic students, and a great decrease in scholarship. The fame of the half-back and the short-stop and the stroke-oar has grown out of proportion to their real worth. The freshman is dazzled by it. The great majority of college men cannot shine in sport, which is the best thing that could be.

How soon would the Place players find it out? With his throat swelling and his mouth dry and his whole body in a ferment Ken pitched to Martin. The short-stop hit to Weir, who made a superb stop and throw. Two out! From all about Ken on the diamond came the low encouraging calls of his comrades. Horton, a burly left-hander, stepped forward, swinging a wagon-tongue.

All these features together make the position very different from what it was some years ago, and in point of effectiveness it has undoubtedly been improved. A short-stop should be a player of more than ordinary suppleness and activity.

But this man, making a rash and foolish effort to steal second, was given the eighteenth-century punishment of death for theft, Heady having made a perfect throw from the plate. The Charleston short-stop reached second on a fly muffed by the Kingston right-fielder the first error made by this excellent player. And now once more the redoubtable Charleston catcher appeared at the bat.