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The road along which she passed was bordered on either side by walls of gray stone covered with shiny-leaved ivy and flanked by a checkerboard of pastures roughly dotted with clumps of hardback and boles of protruding rock. Great brakes grew in the shady hollows, and from the woods beyond came the cool, moist perfume of moss and ferns. The girl looked about her with delight.

I thought myrtle was that shiny-leaved plant down on the ground, that doesn't have berries." "No, my boy, the bird is not named from that sort of creeping flowering myrtle; his name comes from a Latin word for 'bayberry, because the bird feeds upon its fruit, as Rap told you."

The front of it was whitewashed, with green shutters, and had a shiny-leaved magnolia trained round about the windows. These jewellers had no shops, though sometimes they set a single necklace or bracelet in a bottom window, but put up notices proclaiming their trade.

There was a largeness about it, with its blossoming fruit trees, its broad green meadows, its barns and stacks, its flocks of sheep and herds of cattle; even the shiny-leaved magnolia which covered part of the house seemed to Lilac to speak of peace and plenty.

Trees, yews in couples, on either side of walks and center of lawn; redwoods and eucalypti at sides of entrance to court. Shiny-leaved dark green shrub, on borders in court, coprosma. Mass of green, placed at end of court to hide Morro Castle. Deepens intimate note of court. French lighting standards at north end of court, by Ryan and Denneville. Aisle of Sunset

So they plunged down the hill-side on a twisting path, past the bank of hydrangeas and through a grove of shiny-leaved escallonias to where the garage, a large building with a corrugated-iron roof, stood on a natural platform of rock close to the steep high road that flanked the hotel.