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Le veggio in fronte amor come in suo seggio Sul crin, negli occhi su le labra amore Sol d'intorno al suo cuore amor non veggio. I have been twice to her house since my first admission there. I love to listen to that soft and enchanting voice, and to escape from the gloom of my own reflections to the brightness, yet simplicity, of hers.

The universe, and all its fair and glorious forms, are indeed included in the wide empire of the imagination; but she has placed her home and her sanctuary amidst the inexhaustible varieties and the impenetrable mysteries of the mind. In tutte parti impera, e quivi regge; Quivi e la sua cittade, e l'alto seggio. Othello is perhaps the greatest work in the world. From what does it derive its power?

Le veggio in fronte amor come in suo seggio Sul crin, negli occhi su le labra amore Sol d'intorno al suo cuore amor non veggio. I have been twice to her house since my first admission there. I love to listen to that soft and enchanting voice, and to escape from the gloom of my own reflections to the brightness, yet simplicity, of hers.

He also made a tomb of marble for an Archbishop, which was sent to Naples and is in S. Angelo di Seggio di Nido; in this tomb there are three figures in the round that support the sarcophagus with their heads, and on the sarcophagus itself is a scene in low-relief, so beautiful that it commands infinite praise.